Monday, September 26, 2005

The Boy Who Heard Music - Chapter 2 - Thumbnail
"In The Ether"

In 2035, Ray High senses a character known as Gabriel and tries to begin his story while also singing a song about the ether and dealing with hunger pains. Gabriel enters a "Voxbox," a device like an amusement park quick-photo booth, and tries to contact Josh. Gabriel holds up photos, taken by Ray in 1969, of himself, Josh and Leila saying that he, Gabriel, "could hear music," Josh "could hear voices" and Leila "could fly." All met in art school, were in a popular pop band in the early 1980's, and are now in their early 60's. The three are also of different religious faiths, Gabriel Christian, John Jewish and Leila Muslim. Meanwhile Leila greets Josh who has evidently just been released from a prison hospital. She wants Josh to stop telling people that Gabriel speaks to him, but Josh says Gabriel still does.


Blogger Carrie Pratt said...

Hi Brian,

Nice blog! Thanks for summarizing Pete's story up so nicely. So that's what it's all about! ;)


2:57 AM  
Blogger Tom Pratt said...

Program! Get yer program! You can't tell yer Boy Who Heard Music characters without a program!

Thanks for the nice synopsis Brian! It really helps, especially with the week off between installments. But, if the story gets any more complicated you're going to need a color coded diagram with arrows and pictures.

Very nice blog site,


2:33 PM  

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