Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Boy Who Heard Music - Chapter 12 - Thumbnail


In the best chapter so far, Ray tells the story of the latter years of his band, a band whose history is an alternate-universe version of The Who's, including a reunion concert in 1983 and a Cincinnati-type stampede in which 17 fans died.

A year after the events in the previous chapter (1982) Gabriel, Josh, Leila have become interested in Ray and the rockers that came before them after attending a reunion concert of Ray's band. They watch news footage of the concert crush and discuss the meaning of rock in the universe. Josh compares the rock of Ray's era to the Big Bang that created the universe and says the purpose of the rock music of their generation is to bring all the fragments back together as it all collapses back in on itself.

So far, the chapter I would choose for anthologies.


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